How and why to send personal network updates

Matthew Quinn
7 min readNov 7, 2020

Over the past 2 years I have been sending personal network updates.

​When people or companies come to me for advice, the number one thing I tell them is — start a network update. Keep me updated.

It is by far the biggest example of leverage that I have ever seen.

Furthermore, remember growing up and having your boomer parents tell you “you need to network” — that basically didn’t mean anything right? Well I can go into a longer essay later on my opinion and practise of networking, but I bring it up to say:

A personal network update is platinum level networking for lazy people.

Not only do I send them, but:

  1. Several people have started sending them and seen incredible ROI from doing so after talking to me
  2. Several people who receive mine share them with several other people and they then call me and ask how to send them

Writing this blog is not only for you if you have stumbled upon it, but is for those who want to call me and ask how to do it — I can refer them here. LEVERAGE. Also when you start sending them and people ask you why/how — you can send them here. LEVERAGE.



Matthew Quinn

📈 & 💰 & 🏗 Londoner in the Valley. Prev 2x founder — Take joy in advising others to avoid my mistakes. The Dogfather.