I killed this business idea — maybe you should run with it?

Matthew Quinn
12 min readSep 22, 2020

No. It didn’t come to me like a bolt of lightning. In truth I wasn’t looking for a new business idea.

Those close to me know I am still bruised from my last venture (Flex) and when I feel like I have discovered a problem/product that simply must be built — my initial reaction is reluctance.

I will note, that I don’t think this is a bad thing. Bad business outcomes can permanently damage people but I find the result of this reluctance is a need for high signal in whether to persue a new business and a deep strategic look at the area such that if you take a shot and miss you may still build a business which provides the sweet sweet freedoms we all seek.

Here’s the problem story (those of you who get my update email may remember this). My wife and I picked up a handmade King bed in on Facebook but we were unhappy with the paint job.

​The maker had used a cheap sticky feeling paint of a colour that my wife tells me (I’m colourblind) was pretty gross.

As we managed to find this gem from my influence and not buy a new one I agreed to meet my wife half way and to strip and stain the bed.

Now to set the scene we also live in a 900sq for apartment in the heart of mountain view. We are also fortunate enough to live on the…



Matthew Quinn

📈 & 💰 & 🏗 Londoner in the Valley. Prev 2x founder — Take joy in advising others to avoid my mistakes. The Dogfather.